Wildy - Zoo and Safari Park Figma Template

Building a website for a zoo, safari, animal refuge, donation, or other cause is something you're currently working on. The best template that is currently available is Wildy. It has every function and component you would anticipate seeing in a regular website created for constructing a website linked to animals. As a result, you will be able to create the website with ease and ensure that there are no uncomfortable experiences.This Figma template is perfect for creating a website for a zoo or safari. Additionally, you won't encounter any problems using it to speak out in favor of animal preservation.
Key Features
- 9 Fully layered Fig files and easily customizable
- Well Organized layers makes it very easy to update
- Based on 1170px Twitter Bootstrap Grid System
- Clean Layout
- Creative Design
- Pixel Perfect
- Pixel Dimensions: 1920—8023px
- Includes documentation and top notch support
- All fonts used are available for free download(Google fonts)
- All Icons are free for download(Iconify, Flaticons)
- Great Support
- Easy to find the files name, layers, groups
- And many more
Free Fonts
- Quicksand
- Nunito Sans
Vectors and Icons used
- Iconify
- Flaticons
- Freepik
Free Images
- Unsplash
- Pexels
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